Guys, I’m lost, when players teleport to a “Teleport” device the give the camera their backs so I was wondering if there is a way to make them teleport with a custom rotation?
Have you dug deeper into the verse classes that are part of UEFN/Fortnite? The TeleportTo function should have two ways to call it.
Teleports the creative_object
to the specified Position
and Rotation
TeleportTo<public>(Position:vector3, Rotation:rotation)<transacts><decides>:void = external {}
Teleports the creative_object
to the specified location defined by Transform
, also applies rotation and scale accordingly.
TeleportTo<public>(Transform:transform)<transacts><decides>:void = external {}
The first call allows you to create a Rotation which should help face the player in the direction you’d like.
Characters will always give their back to the camera unless you use some of the camera devices we have
But maybe I didn’t understand your question
Exactly, I just used a camera device forgot its name that lets the character to be on a fixed angle you choose so I did.
To get a random rotation, you could then probably do :
MakeRotation(vector3{Z:=1.0}, DegreesToRadians(GetRandomFloat(0.0, 360.0)))
If they’re still turning their back, I’m not sure, you could try teleporting them twice ? (the first time being the target rotation -180 degrees)
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