Experimental Source for Voronoi is missing files and will not build.

When I try to build my project, the build is failing with errors “C1083: Cannot open include file” for:

All of these headers should exist under Engine/Source/Runtime/Experimental/Voronoi/Private.

Are these files supposed to be built elsewhere? Are they intermediate files? And if so, what am I missing to get them to build?

I am using Unreal 5.1.

For anyone following up on this, I eventually was able to get everything to build by literally nuking my local build and starting completely fresh.

In Engine\Source\Runtime\Experimental\Voronoi\Private\voro++\src\README.md:

Several other files are present:

worklist_gen.pl - perl script for automatically generating the worklist.hh and
v_base_wl.cc files.

Hey are you able to access the voronoi functions from another class? I’m having trouble.

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