experienced 3D animator Looking for work

hello everyone,

names scorp and I am a 3D animator that has over half a year of experience in blender animation (3 years in blender in total) and am looking for some work.

I have worked with all kinds of models from humanoid, 4 legged to 8 legged and all in between. here are a few examples of what I have done. I have also done a few previous jobs for animation, mostly humanoid shooting animations (one of them was replicating every twin gun animation in diable).

I work fairly cheap, $3-8 dollars per animation (depends on complexity) or $6 per hour.

if anyone is interested, you can message me on discord (scorpneo#6070) and we can talk there.

thanks for your time and interest

Hello, your discord doesn’t work, feel free to add me Paxet#7574