Expanding Ground Cracks

Hey there! I am just getting started with UE and I am looking for a hint to research into the right direction for a specific use case. (FYI: I am working on a cinematic sequence - not a game).

I want to create ground cracks that expand into a wide abyss. I’ve seen a couple of tutorials, but the ones I found are all just visual texture effects with no actual depth.

Could anyone point me in the right general direction on how to achieve something like that?

Thanks a lot, I appreciate any suggestions! :slight_smile:

A few more details about what’s on my mind:

  • The initial cracks will be shown very close up, so they need to be detailed.
  • The camera will follow the expanding crack-line and finally zoom out to show the whole scenery.
  • The “abyss” needs to have a very specific shape (imagine something like a logo).

If you need any more details for clarification, please just let me know. I’m at the very beginning of the project, so I haven’t settled on anything yet.