Exited with code 6 don´t know why

Thats the actual issue

Notice in the solution explorer there is a message telling you

chsuchen (Strg+u)
Basierend auf Ihrer Projektmappe
müssen Sie für eine vollständige
Entwicklungsumgebung möglicherweise zusätzliche Komponenten installieren.
Installieren X"

Solution Explorer Search (Ctrl+u) Based on your solution you need to ensure a complete development environment may install additional components. Install X

Install the extra components to run your project correctly.

Press Installieren

You are probably missing a msvc component. The installer will do this automatically if you press the blue install on the message.

The yellow triangles are not errors, they are warnings.

Once you install the missing components try recompiling your project and it should start working if the files are ok.

it still not work. Thats how it looks like now

Ok I see now from your solution explorer that UE5 is in bold. You are trying to compile the binary version of the engine. It will fail.

Right click your game name and set it as the startup project.

Your game name should now be in bold instead of UE5.
Then compile.

it didnt work. same error