I have an replicating actor, the movement of which is driven by a Timeline. Every hop of the actor is 0.2 seconds. I am measuring the time before the movement event fires by using “Get Game Time in Seconds” node and storing in variable A. Similarly after the timeline finishes, I am measuring the time again and storing in variable B.
The difference of these two recorded time values (i.e B-A) gives the total time the event took to execute completely. It should obviously be more than 0.2 seconds as it is reported correctly for most part. However, when I checked the data over several samples I also find the time being reported as 0.19 seconds.
My question is, when the timeline is playing the animation for 0.2 seconds and there are several other functions being executed in the Event, then how is the reported time less than 0.2 seconds.
Any insights, would help me solve a problem which I think is related to this aberration.
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