Execution Labs Winter Cohort for Indie teams/Studios ($50k in funding)

Hey you guys/gals, just thought I’d share some information about Execution Labs for you indie developers trying to get a start for your company.
Execution Labs is an investment company that runs an acceleration program to help teams ship their IP’s. The Winter applications just started October 15th and ends November 22nd.

My team and I (Pixel Spill Games) just came back from the summer cohort 2 weeks ago, and had a lot to take home with us.
We were the first dev team to use Unreal Engine 4 at Execution Labs since it’s conception. We broke the mold.
So now it’s time for more to follow :cool: . If you’re interested in applying, feel free to ask me questions about the experience, and what to expect.
(Though, I am an artist, so a lot of the business stuff was left to my producer :p, but I still might be able to help in that regard).

Here is the link to the Announcement of the application start, and video discussing what Execution Labs is all about.

All the best,

That is awesome, but I do feel that the requirements for things like the accelerator are a bit high, (3 team members going to Montreal for 3 months, etc.) wouldn’t you agree?

It’s well worth the experience. Montreal has one of the biggest game development communities (at least in North America). In the 3 month program you have access to monthly playtest in the office space (both public and people in the game dev community). To elaborate, Execution Labs is partnered with ‘GameplaySpace’ (http://gameplayspace.com/about/) - an open office space shared with other developers… You’re always in contact with other indie and AAA developers to get instant feedback on your game. Ubisoft is out there as well, and we even had a fieldtrip there to visit the ‘RainbowSix Division’ studio office. It was pretty epic! (lol, no pun intended :p). After visiting the RainbowSix Division studio, we strolled to another Ubisoft office where each team part of the cohort had a chance to pitch their game to various producers and high level people from Ubisoft.

That’s just a small fraction of the experience going there for 3 months…so yes, it’s well worth the time and effort to try! :smiley: It’s defiantly an advantage if you want to succeed in this industry. I’m not trying to sound like an evangelist, just telling it like it is. To be fair though, you benefit from it in the long run. Just trying to help indies out there with potential get a chance to succeed…and feed their family! haha. #indiesunite

Hehe, the whole thing is very intimidating to me, as I am not part of some big studio, but I would love to go on a trip like that and have a real game dev experience.