'Execute While Paused' Not working

  1. Create 2 input actions via the project settings
  2. Add them to the level blueprint event graph
  3. Set the option for each to ‘execute while paused’
  4. Set both to execute a console command, in this case “Pause”
  5. Play game, first will pause the game, second never gets executed.


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Hi daveREspawn,

Unfortunately, I have not been able to reproduce this on my end following the steps provided.

  • Does this occur in a clean, blank project with no additional content or is it limited to one project?
  • Have you set up “Enable Input” so the inputs will be run from the level blueprint?
  • Are there any additional steps I can take to reproduce this error on my end?

Hi ,

I created a fresh project to test it and still got the same results.
I tried the blueprint input in the character, level blueprint and gamemode blueprint, all with the same results; pause works, but unpause never does.
Yep, tried it with ‘enable input’ and still got the same result.

It’s possible that I’m missing a step or doing something silly. So I took a few screen shots. Only things I’ve done; create fresh project, add the to inputs in the settings, call those events in blueprints.
Extras I tried was setting ‘execute when paused’ to true and on ‘EventBeginPlay’ setting ‘EnableInput’ up.

I’m running Version: 4.12.5-3039270+++UE4+Release-4.12
Template: First Person Shooter


I was able to reproduce this on my end and have entered a bug report, UE-33882, to be assessed by the development staff. As a workaround, use the “Set Game Paused” node instead of console commands. This node seems to work as intended.

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Will do, thanks for the help .

In part of unreal tutorials (5. Creating / Scripting an In-Game Pause Menu) we must Set Input Mode.

for me problem was here (yellow square). I remove that and my problem solved. Now My PauseMenu Blueprint is change to this: