I am trying to execute a function on clients every 5 seconds. So I am using a timer and rpc.
This is within a blueprint that exists in the world outliner.
However, for some reason this toggles the wall on the server instead of the clients. I am getting the same results when using a multicast.
I am getting “Server: Toggling Wall” printed to the screen.
Why would this be?
I refreshed my replication knowledge and solved this.
There were multiple things wrong.
Replication wasn’t turned on for the blueprint
I was using execute on owning client (which would always be the server since they were placed in the world) instead of a multicast.
The particle systems would always show as active (IsActive) on the dedicated server. I’m assuming this is because they probably don’t exist on the dedicated server since they are visual.
I reworked this to be much cleaner by using a replicated property with RepNotify.