Ok, I tried using delegate and what I have problem is that it affects only certain actor (which I have pointer to). I’ve read that delegates can be fired in multiple instances in the world, how is it possible to do that?
And I’m not interested going through iterator or for loot and firing event for each actor in TArray.
Please help, I need some template like when delegate is called (executed??) that it fires event in every instance of another class.
Made it, solution: multicast
so I answerd myself, but anyways, I’ll leave it for someone with same problem
class i bound (multiple instance class)
void SomeFunction();
void AMyInstance::BeginPlay()
ATellerClass::MyDel.AddUObject(this, &AMyInstance::SomeFunction);
void AMyInstancen::SomeFunction()
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Character's Name is %s"), *GetName());
class “teller”
//then there goes UCLASS(), GENERATED_BODY() etc.
static FMyDelegate MyDel;
FMyDelegate ASpawner::MyDel;
void ATeller::AFunctionThatWillCauseMessagetToBeSent()