Excluding specific characters from Crowd Steering


I am using a detour crowd controller so characters can avoid each other in pathfinding.
That works out fine, but here is the problem:

If a character dies its capsule component is still in the scene (I have to keep it there for persistence reasons - i.e., I can’t just destroy the actor or move it away).

As a result, alive characters try avoiding that “dead” capsule - so if there is a big crowd of dead characters, their capsules basically clog the entire navmesh, and pathfinding freaks out (eventually alive characters can jiggle their way through the capsules - I suppose that’s an effect of the pathfinding’s cost balancing - but in the end that’s more comedic than functional).

Is there a flag (or some other way) to exclude dead characters and their capsules from crowd steering?

best wishes,

I got the exact same problem.

I’ve tried to disable blocking on different collision channels. But the pathfinding seem to go for the capsule itself rather than the collision settings.

I’ve seen a post about nudging the dead characters, but that would look awful.