Hey Epic,
I have around 2300 calls to ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder across all of my games classes.
Players are complaining that the game takes too long (4.7 seconds) to launch before seeing the game window appear. For now I have implemented a splash screen but I was curious to try to do better.
I have played around with wrapping unnecessary calls in if (!HasAnyFlags(RF_ClassDefaultObject)){ }
This has reduced the launch time from 4.7s to 3.8s but still not as snappy as I’d like.
I am reading through the UE4 core now to see if maybe there is a way to delay CDO constructors until after the game window has become apparent. But I was hoping someone at Epic with a better mental model of the engine could offer their point of view here before I go diving into a very dangerous place.
Whats the best way to reduce the time between a player hitting ‘Play Game’ in Steam to seeing the window frame appear given these calls to FObjectFinder?
Thank you,