Example project and plugin for mod support

In 2017, we released Robo Recall with support for user-created mods via a custom UE4 editor. With the project source code available, the Robo Recall Mod Kit served as a reference point for adding mod support to Unreal Engine games and for adding editor extensions to Unreal-powered mod kits. Since then, we’ve seen numerous games ship with support for user-generated content (UGC) and custom editors to bring the power of Unreal to passionate creators. Today, we’ve released a light-weight abstraction of many UGC features built for Robo Recall and the Robo Recall Mod Kit as a plugin, as well as an example project to show how it all works in the latest version of Unreal Engine.

The UGC Example project includes the SimpleUGC plugin and scripts that add editor extensions for creating and packaging UGC, helper functions for finding and using newly found content, custom Components to facilitate Actor replacement at runtime, and more.

You can find it as part of the official Epic Games GitHub organization along with documentation to help get you moving (GitHub login and EpicID association required). Grab the project and a source build of Unreal Engine 4.25.1 or greater and start making moddable games today.

And make sure to check out the Inside Unreal Episode Adding Mod Support with the Simple UGC Plugin:


:smiley: thankyou!

Chance recently updated this :slight_smile:


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