Example of how to give gold to players and add weapon vending machines?

I’m looking for a tutorial or something that gives a simple example of awarding gold to players. I prefer to do everything in Verse, if possible. Is anyone aware of documentation or examples of this?


Not sure if is the best way, but my suggestion is to:

1- Create a map [agent]int or [fort_character]int where int is the amount of golt the player have.
2- Use a Item Granter and a Button, when the Player press the Button, check if he has the necessary amount of gold then grant him the item.

This way you can increment the player’s gold by any condition you want. But you would have to find other way to display the item that he is buying, and find a way to display his gold in HUD.

Thank you, that was helpful with the Item Granter; I used that for granting gold whenever they got an elim. I ended up throwing the vending machines in a room to let them buy items. It takes up a lot of room, but saves a lot of work.

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