The EVGA Precision X application ( used for monitoring / overclocking your GPU ) when enabled causes massive slowdowns in UE4. In particular when mousing over UI elements the framerate can plummet down to as low as 7fps. The entire UI becomes incredibly slow, and unresponsive. Turning off EVGA Precision X allows UE4 to run at normal speed. There seems to be some incompatiblility between these 2 pieces of software. I am running under Windows 10 Pro, and am using the EVGA GTX 980 Ti GPU. I have the absolute latest NVidia drivers, and the rest of my system drivers are completely up to date.
Hey Card and Dungeon,
Unfortunately, since Windows 10 is such a new platform, compatibility testing is still in progress for UE4. We currently do not have many machines dedicated to this OS since it is so new and has known issues.
As for the EVGA Precision X, if the engine runs fine without it I would suggest using that route. You will not see a huge change in performance since you are using a pretty powerful GPU already. We do not provide support for EVGA Precision X as this is not our native software. If it is causing the editor to experience issues when enabled, then it more than likely is not with the editor, but with the OS and the application itself.
Thank you,
Agreed turning it off during UE4 work is the current solution. I just wanted to make sure that it hit Epic’s radar as something to possibly look at, as quiet a few people use the EVGA Precision X software, even if only to monitor their GPU.
In regards to performance, due the overclock headroom on that card ( GTX 980 Ti Hybrid ( uses a sealed system liquid cooler )) I am running at 24% increased clock speed, with an even greater increase in memory bandwidth. While I can definitely live without the overclock during UE4 work, it is a real world loss nonetheless.
Looking further into the issue, it seemed that the worst slowdowns were when I was hovering over UI elements ( which became highlighted or would raise a tooltip ). Having a secondary view such as the model view in a blueprint window if it wasn’t full screen would also cause major slowdowns as well.
If there is anything I could provide for you guys to replicate this slowdown, let me know.
We do appreciate you taking the time to create this report. I actually installed EVGA Precision X software last night on my home machine to see if I came across any issues as well. My set up is quite different as I do not have quite the high performance PC you are using.
Since we do not use EVGA precision X on our machines here it will be hard to test. Are you using the K-Boost and/or automatic fan control within the application?
Thank you,
I am using K-Boost as it makes a pretty large impact on GPU performance ( was surprised by how much ). I haven’t tried to turn that off yet, I can give it a shot tomorrow and report back.