Everytime i open the editor my computer crashes and resets
I am able to open the Unreal Project Browser, however when i create a new project, or load a previous project, the editor crashes my computer and resets. attached is my dxdiag.txt
Also after the reset/restart i can’t find a crash log to see what the problem is.
it has happened since i’ve had the engine. from 4.3 to 4.4.3. some. i’ve used 4.2 for longer periods of time, but it always ends in a freeze and then computer restart.
i am using the launcher.
correct, the BSOD doesn’t happen immediately with the previous versions, but it does happen.
i can replicate the process tonight when i’m home (7pm PDT) and write a step by step and how long it stays up in the two versions i have on my machine (4.2 & 4.4.3,[ 4.4.3 overwrote 4.3]) and, if it is needed, video the steps i’m going through.
i know getting the engine to work on many different types of hardware is tricky so i’m willing to put in the debug time
Video shouldn’t be necessary, but thanks for the offer!
I would also recommend trying 4.5, which was just released to the launcher.
You should be able to find your BSOD logs if you go to Control Panel->System->Advanced->Startup and Recovery Settings. It’ll give you the directory that your BSOD logs are left in. I haven’t looked through those crash logs personally, but it’s possible they have relevant information in them.
Can you also try running some decently hardware taxing games? I’ve had, in the past, crashes occur due to sudden increases in power draw, on an aged power supply.
i was able to start a new 4.5 project (blueprint) and work for about an 1.5hrs and then my computer froze, and i was forced to push the reset button.
Now when i relaunch the editor, my computer freezes within 3-10 seconds after the editor load screen. and have to push the reset button.
(all computer components were new when purchased in june '14)
there are no errors for either a BSOD or in the ram
going to see if my video card or CPU is the issue
My assumption is that the hard reboot caused some file corruption - that’s why you’re having issues immediately when starting it up now. I would try using Verify (from the Launcher) on 4.5 to see if that fixes it.
Did you try Control+Alt+Delete before you reset your computer?
tried revarifying, it worked for a bit, and then i got the freezing again.
HOWEVER, i’ve narrowed down the problem to the video card. I installed my older MSI (Twin Frozr II) nvidia560Ti and the editor worked just fine with no freezing. i then installed my original ASUS (DirectCU II) nvidia gtx770 and the freezing comes back.attached is a photo
of the screen with the temp on the side of both the CPU and GPU. (more specifics on the video card are probably in the dxdiag.txt attached to the original post.)
It’s good that we know the problem is with the video card. We have some computers in the office using 770s and they don’t have any freezing. Therefore, I’d recommend updating your drivers; it’s possible that you just have an outdated driver for your 770 and that’s the issue. If that doesn’t fix it, then there may be a hardware defect with the card, which means you’d need to send it back to its manufacturer (if it’s still under warranty).
i’ve been running the latest drivers, i’ve even tried previous versions of drivers. so it’s either a manufacturer defects or the corsair cx750M (750w) isn’t enough power for the motherboard (P9X79 DELUXE - ASUS) and the video card. or a combination of both.
A 750w power supply should be plenty for any reasonable computer. If you want to be sure, you could build your computer on pcpartpicker and see what your estimated power consumption is.
That said, it seems like it could be a manufacturer defect. You could send in an RMA request, or if you had access to another 770 you could try the editor with that installed.
We have not heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing the issue you reported, please respond to this message with additional information and we will offer further assistance.