Everything Ivy + Hanging Plants Volumes

Hi Immersive-Games!

Thank you for your example regarding Nanite. Breaking down your meshes into smaller ones sounds so tedious, but at least there’s no loss of quality! :wink:

I appreciate your honesty about your experiences with Unity vs. Unreal. I haven’t developed anything in Unity as of yet, but it is a very competitive engine. I’ve come across several creators that use both engines or have recently come to Unreal with a Unity background. I had no idea that so much adjustment is required in order for objects to render correctly between engines. I’m inspired to start creating meshes again. I’ve created in Blender before, but it has been a few years. Blender and Maya seem to come up frequently for object creators.

You’re very well-rounded when it comes to real-world experience. You’re a polymath! You can draw from your various experiences and apply it to various areas of expertise!

I saw the additions you added to the pack. It’s a cool idea you came up with to add a root for the Hanging LumiGlobe, and the texture you chose for the Root Clump is very fitting for the pack! I’d love to see the items from this pack into a fully fleshed out scene! I’m so sorry that you ran into roadblocks uploading your wondrous Alien Fauna pack to the Marketplace. That was really unexpected! Would you mind if I tag someone who may be able look into this for you? Thank you so much for being willing to provide an alternative to access the Alien Fauna pack! It’s incredible what you’ve created, and it most assuredly should be shared!

The new Willows are gorgeous and your new workflow is an excellent idea! This will provide even more realism to a landscape. As always, thank you so much for sharing your content here! Until next time, my friend! :smiley:

You are very welcome, thank you for your continued feedback.

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I am working on getting the TreeGen04 packs onto the Marketplace, I am almost at the finish line with these 10-15 year old Conifers.
EDIT: This pack is now live HERE

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2 more submissions for this weekend. The theme is Bushes from the Gen04 range, from the new workflow.
This pack is now available HERE

This pack is now available HERE

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TreesGen03-Willow01 has just been approved and is available HERE

The Gen03 Range was a transitional range between Gen02 and the latest workflow of Gen04.

The trees in the scene have been raised to show the full length of the Leaf Fronds. Willows naturally grow their fronds right down to the waters surface when growing near rivers and streams.

I have added a bespoke collision mesh to these trees that do not include the leaf fronds, so as you are sailing down your river in your punt mesh, you can drift through them.

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Shader for BushGen04-DeadBush01

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BushGen04-Bushes03 submitted for approval.

This pack has been approved and available HERE

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Latest Release: Gen04-CurlyPalm01 put for approval.

The pack includes the planter to give you an option.

This Product is now available here

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TreeGen04-DeadTrees01 has been submitted and approved, and available HERE

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TreesGen04-Acacia01 have been approved and available HERE

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FlowerGen04-Flowers01 has been submitted for approval.

A bumper pack of 60 Flowers/Plants all looking awesome.

Those guys are quick… been approved and available HERE

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Found the Immersive-Games Marketplace Portal of all the goodies currently on sale.

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Submitted for approval TreeGen04-Palm01 which consists of 12 Palm groups. No more orientering singular Palm meshes, now you can flood fill a scene using groups.

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Many Salutations, @Immersive-Games!

You’ve certainly been busy with consistent releases! I’m so happy you haven’t had any additional issues getting your submissions approved for the Marketplace! I’m in botanical heaven! :palm_tree: :herb: :leaves: :blossom: Great idea to release groupings of trees for faster placement! You definitely have the Midas Touch with all of your creations! Have a gorgeous weekend! :smiley:

Hello again,

Many thanks for your encouragement.

it has been a heavy couple of weeks working through the new workflow and tailoring each pack for the different engines I produce for.
I also thought it was a good idea to give groups of trees as a product to help fastrak the scene creation. This particular version is for Mid-Distant range settings due to the polygon limitation placed in the creation process. Later versions will be more detailed.

Have yourself a great weekend. :slight_smile:

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Submitted BushGen04-CurlyPalm02 today:

Wow those guys are quick… approved already and available here

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BushGen04-Bushes has been submitted for approval:

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For the longest time I have always found the Unreal lighting/shaders pretty good, until recently, when Unity released its Rendering Pipelines. Even the Universal Rendering Pipeline gives Unreal a good run for its money and has some nifty tricks up its shaders. The screenshot below, is taken from a near stock version of the Universal Rendering Pipeline asset, note the light transmission through the leaves, on the exact same models as in the pictures above, when compared to the Unreal rendering! There is no Transmission map used in the shaders, or any setting (if there is one) to get that effect.
I couldn’t replicate that effect using Unreal.

Urghhhh, not sure why but the forum adds a green tint to this picture. This should be better :slight_smile: LINK

Edit: Whilst finding a good screenshot position, I did find a setting than enables Transmission that gives me something similar to the Unity version. All I have to do now, is remember where I found it.

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I am starting the Mighty Oak template today, I grabbed a few screenshots before doing so, that may interest you. These are 4k HD pictures, so I have given links to the source as they will not post to well here.

1st Picture Link
2nd Picture Link

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If you are trying to combine meshes into a group in Unreal, firstly drop the ‘Root’ mesh into the scene, followed by the ‘child’ meshes nearby. Follow this short movie to drag and drop the child onto the root, then check the Child mesh is set to 0,0,0 in both position and rotation. (scale remains at 1.0)

Now when you drag/move/scale the Root mesh, the child will match the same automatically. It is worth noting: If the Root mesh is set to say Stationary, then only other meshes that are also set to the same, will be allowed to join. You can change them after combining them, if you wish.

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