Every time I try and download Unreal Engine 5.2.1 I keep getting the error code "IS-FC02-82"

  • running out of disk space
  • an overly aggressive anti-virus / anti-malware solution
  • you’re behind a VPN
  • your hard-drive is dying

Any of the above makes sense to you? YT’s advice is to flush DNS :person_shrugging:

I just got a 1TB Extremal Hard Drive.
I turned off the anti-virus / anti-malware solution.
I don’t use VPNS.

Should I try and Uninstall Epic Games Launcher and Install it in the Dard Drive?

Could you clarify where you’re trying to install it atm? Ideally, the engine would sit on the C / system drive.

I was putting it in my E Drive :man_facepalming:, now it seams to work

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I got it open, Thanks for you assistance!

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