this is extremely annoying and frustrating it happens in every sample and literally everywhere where the roughenss isnt set to 2. WHYYYY
these settings + 1. also lumen refelctions in global illumination inside of post proces of the camera is set to “2” +YOUR POST PROCESS NEEDS TO BB SET TO RAY TRACING!!! this and activating translucency raytracing + final gather quality 2.0 in refelctions has fixed those weird stupid nonsense lines
- [12:59 PM]
this fixed these lines
Your posts were a while ago but responding – I’ve been having the exact same issue. Most of the responses I get are convinced it’s a geo or texture issue, but definitely is not because I have multiple environments rendering with the exact same vertical lines where there’s a low roughness value.
I’d been trying all the settings I could think of, including (I thought) all the ones you suggested
Just this morning I tried searching again and stumbled across your post and tried this combination of settings once more – seems like it MAY be working
But I’m wondering if you have any new info to add to this conversation?
its roughness, you can ONLY fix this with setting the roughness higher. also you can add these post process settings before if it doesnt work you need to set roughness to 1-2 theres not other way i haev found
Yeah, thanks. I’ve found my only solution has been to just essentially “cancel” out any lower roughness values. It’s super weird and frustrating.
One thing I did try –
If I set the screen percentage higher (like 200%), I don’t seem to get the same issues. Obviously the renders are slower but no big deal. Only downside is that I have to disable a lot of the post processing effects because i get a really obvious separation line in the final image where the “buckets” of the render show the seams.
how did you cancel out this lower roughness? is there a way to do this for everyhting?
I had to do it in the materials themselves. If you’re being pretty disciplined about making Master Materials and creating instances, it’s less of a big deal, but for my scenes, there was primarily one material that had this “Venetian blinds” issue. There may be another way to do it more universally in project settings
I’ve just added it to my list of things I hope gets fixed in the next version!