how can i do this with Blueprint:
- Every minute he should play the same sound?
Thanks in Advance!
how can i do this with Blueprint:
Thanks in Advance!
Event Tick node + Delay node
There is another way.
You can use the “Set Timer” function and an Custom Event.
First create a Custom Event that plays the sound you want.
Call the “Set Timer” function in the Begin Play event passing as parameters:
“Function Name”: the name of your custom event.
“Time”: 60 (seconds)
“Looping”: true
Hello Marcos,
thank you, but i have not understand it correctly.
You mean:
Thanks in Advance!
This is what I wanted to say:
You set up a timer that will call your “PlaySirene” event every minute.
Hello Marcos,
thank you very much - now it’s working perfectly!
After this i will do something like this with Blueprint’s:
Did you perhaps now, how i can do that with Blueprint’s?
Thank you in Advance!
There is a tutorial about Automated Door in blueprints at:
Assuming you have a Timeline that controls the animation of the door opening and closing, you can use the script below :
The FlipFlop node will alternate the execution, so every 60 seconds the door open and after another 60 seconds the door close and so on.
Hello Marcos,
how can i import a Static mesh with Animations?
Kind regards,
Hello Marcos,
i have now the animation in the mesh inside. I can see my animation inside UE4.
But how can i start my animation in the Game now?
Kind regards,
The “Play Anim Montage” node should work fine for that.
And where can i find this “Play Anim Montage” Node?
Please help me.
Thanks in Advance,
Right click anywhere in your blueprint and write “Play Anim Montage” and you should be able to select it from the menu. If you can’t see it for some reason, unflag the “context sensitive” box in the context menu.