"Events... Time... Numbers..." - Short film

Hello everyone,

I finally finished my next project. I set myself many tasks:
First, use MetaHumans for the main characters with different ways to create them. Make them completely different and charismatic, including their voices.
Secondly, write an interesting script with intense dialogues and monologues introducing the story, but so that many things cannot be said, to connect the imagination.

Whether I succeeded or not is up to you to judge the final result.


Hi there @galconda,

Hope you’re doing well :slight_smile:

I’m obsessed with your work recently. So many short films that not only immediately capture my attention but keep it. Which is saying something because I definitely get distracted far to easily :joy: It’s the conversation, specifically, that kept me so focused on the story. Especially with how almost poetic the chat became towards the end.

Thanks for continuing to share your art. I hope to see more!


Hi @PresumptivePanda

Thank you for your kind words! I’m glad you liked the dialogues. Indeed, I like to use a special style of sentence construction in my works so that the viewers can immerse themselves in their own atmosphere and see the film through the prism of their own preferences and experiences. This way they become a participants in what is happening, and not just a spectators.
I hope I will continue to share my work on the forum.


Incredible! Amazing work!

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Thanks a lot for your feedback!

Here are some screenshots of character close ups from the bar.

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So much effort and character creation gone into “background characters”. It’s awesome how each one has their own unique style and “personality”. Brilliant work as always :slight_smile:

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Hi @PresumptivePanda

Thank you very much for your support and for the attention you give to my works! :art: :slightly_smiling_face:

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