I created an Initial Level with nothing in it. I then created two additional levels. I told the InitialLevel to stream LevelOne. I told LevelOne to unload its streamingVolume when it was complete doing what it was doing. Now I’m back at the InitialLevel and I am looking for an Event or something that I can use to tell the InitialLevel to stream LevelTwo.
Are their Events or Shared Variables that I can use in-between the Level Streaming?
Hi @JesseLord_1
That’s a tricky setup and can be complicated at times.
I would recommend using the master level (Persistent) as the controller for most of what you want to do. However, you can create Event Dispatchers in a global class, like your GameMode Blueprint/Class that your streamed levels can bind events to.
You can also use Material Parameter Collections to store variables, althought I’d suggest avoiding this unless really necessary, you can controll almost everything through GameMode as I mentioned or with events and dispatchers from your Player Character and other actors you can access from any blueprint or level.