EventHit other actor is unknown

While validating Hit event to eliminate hits with unwanted objects I stumbled upon a situation where Other Actor is Unknown. Anyone has an idea why it works this way?

It seems to be working as intended. It’s the first cast that evaluates, and we’re not there yet.

Also, not sure what you’re up to but I’m pretty sure there’s a better way than cascade cast branch compare to filter stuff. Seems unsustainable.

Thanks for the answer. Actually it is just badly caught picture and it propagates to next nodes as well.

Fair enough. As strange as it sounds, it might be the case of a buggy debugger. Were you to Print String the class instead, what would you get here?

But… is that instance (Other Actor) valid? Can you validate it first. Perhaps it’s None.

Just found it. It occured that the problem is simple. The other actor, my projectile is destroyed on the hit so hit receiver can’t check the object as it is no longer available in memory.

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