When I get to 2:58 in the video, the demonstrator adds an event to the Level Graph for the “YouHitMe” event dispatcher that was already created in a class blueprint. I created the “YouHitMe” event dispatcher in the box class blueprint, but I simply cannot find an “Add YouHitMe” event anywhere.
These are the only options available – I tried with and without “Context Sensitive” checked. I tried looking for “YouHitMe”, “youhitme”, looked everywhere under all the “Event” heading, but still can’t find an “Add YouHitMe” node
I reviewed that answer, and tried restarting the editor – but it did not fix the issue. I have also verified my install, created a new scene from scratch (twice now)… but it looks like Event Dispatchers cannot be added to level blueprints – they do not show up anywhere.
For those of you who also found this issue, it seems like it is caused by the way the context-sensitive “All Possible Actions” list is being populated. Namely, it doesn’t seem to populate in a consistent way. In this case, the “YouHitMe” custom event doesn’t seem to be accessible to the Level Blueprint.
For me, the solution was to just drag the YouHitMe event from the “EventGraph” list out to the Event Graph. This created the event node correctly. None of the options in the drop-down list would do this.