Event track in timeline doesn't update until link is broken


So I’m having the following behaviour in a UE4.11.1 project.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a timeline, add an event track.
  2. Add two event points to the beginning and end of the track.
  3. Create an action for the event (I play a sound file)
  4. Link the event track on the timeline to the action.
  5. Play the game. Trigger the event, wait for the timeline to complete.
  6. Open the timeline and remove either one of the events
  7. Play the game again. Trigger the event, wait for the timeline to complete.

Expected behaviour:

On first playthrough we should experience the event twice (in my case I heard the sound twice). On second playthrough we should experience the event once.

Actual behaviour:

Both on the first AND second playthroughs I hear the event twice.


After making a change to a timeline event track break the link between the timeline event track and the action. Then recreate the link between the timeline event track and the action. Now the action is triggered based on the new settings of the event track.

Please excuse me if I’m using the wrong terminology. I’m still very new to UE4.

EDIT: Changed “Expected behaviour” to correct expected behaviour.

EDIT2: Made the report a little easier to navigate with headers.

Hi ,

While I was able to reproduce this in 4.10.4, I was not able to recreate this error in 4.11.1. Are you on this hotfix or on 4.11.0? If you are on 4.11.0, try updating to 4.11.1 and see if this occurs on your end.

Hey ,

I can confirm that I am on 4.11.1. Just a minor addition to this report I’ve noticed that the first time I make a change in the timeline the change registers fine. After I make another change (deleting an event marker I just prior) and saving my changes I still hear the sound twice.

Do you have a sample project you’d be willing to share where this is occurring? I’d be happy to take a look and see what might be happening.

Hey ,

Sorry for taking so long to respond.

I just posted my project here: https://bitbucket.org/ZeroSinner/building-escape

Let me know what I might be doing wrong or if you can even reproduce the issue.

Hi ,

Unfortunately our firewall will not allow me to download from that site. Can you upload your project to either dropbox or google drive and link me to it?

Sure. I just got another weird behaviour but this time from the answers.unrealengine.com site…

The entire header UI is in some asian language… Korean? Or Mandarin? I’m not sure. Made it hard to figure out how to log back in. But I managed it. I’m not sure how to change the language back though… or what might have caused it to shift.

Anyways here’s the link you asked for: Google Drive: Sign-in

I have not been able to reproduce this on my end, do you have any specific steps I can take to do so with the project provided?

The header language error is a known issue and currently being investigated.

I will try to take a screencapture video of the issue and send it back soon.

Hi ,

Have you had any luck with the screencapture video?

Hi ,

We have not heard from you in several days. I am marking this as answered for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing this error, please comment with the requested information.

i was really curious about this…