Event Tick + Rotation not working

Hey. I’m making a top down shooter. I have a character which has a few weapons. The weapon is an actor, spawned and attached to the character.

Everything works perfectly when I shoot with Left Mouse Button once. It aims exactly where I want it.
But when I try automatic fire, it has an issue.

The way I do automatic fire is:
Event Tick -> Gate (opened / closed by Left Mouse Button press / release) -> Another gate -> Spawn Bullet -> sequence which closes the second gate immediately and opens it after a delay.


The exact same code works alright when using a timer or semi automatic fire.


I like the solution with gates because it’s clean. Any advice?

What is the problem, you didn’t specify?.. You might try closing the gate before you spawn. When you’re working on a frame by frame basis, spawning something takes quite a long time…