Event Tick not working in User Widget after Version 4.20

Hello thank you for the help!

I have a user widget with an Event Tick which worked in version 4.20 but not any version after! I tried connecting even just a Print String up to it but nothing.

Anyone have any ideas what is going wrong?

Thank you :slight_smile:

Either the Tick is disabled:


Or your widget is not on the screen. Offscreen widgets do no tick.

Thank you so much for the reply!

The tick frequency is set to auto!

I did not make this Blueprint myself so not 100% sure on this but it seems on the character is where it triggers the event to bind Widget to the hub which is done in the widget component (bpc image) which has the cast for the user widget. Sorry if this is all a bit of a mess it’s well past my bed time haha!

In the widget component (bpc) though if I do add a add to viewport from the get user widget object it does activate the Event tick but then I get the message log message "The widget W_PlayerSelectWheel_C’ was already added to the screen."

Any idea on what may be missing?

Thank you for the help again and I included the controller pic to show when the menu is meant to be triggered by the player!

Thanks for the help again :slight_smile:

So it’s a widget component.

In the widget component (bpc) though
if I do add a add to viewport from the
get user widget object it does
activate the Event tick but then I get
the message log message “The widget
W_PlayerSelectWheel_C’ was already
added to the screen.”

Makes sense. Widget components maintain the lifetime of the widget, no need to add it to the screen, this is done automatically by the component itself.

And since it is a component, I’d check whether the actor who owns that component (the BPC, I believe) can tick:


I tried connecting even just a Print
String up to it but nothing.

I should’ve asked this first: do you actually see the widget?

Yep its enabled on the widget component!

It’s a pop up wheel thing. [This is when it worked properly in 4.20][1]

Yep its enabled on the widget

Just to clarify, I meant the actor who owns the component. Can you confirm?

As you can see, in my screenshot the details panel reads Actor Tick.

So the widget shows up and behaves fine bar the fact that it does not Tick?

Yep its enabled on the actor!

Okay so currently the widget does not tick at all unless I do the add to viewport bit mentioned above. Without that add to viewport you cant see the widget at all and the tick does not run.


Changing Pre to during didn’t change anything either.

I’m a bit confused here.

Okay so currently the widget does not
tick at all unless I do the add to
viewport bit mentioned above.

This is as intended - widgets that are not showing do not Tick as mentioned above.

that add to viewport you cant see the
widget at all and the tick does not

That also makes sense. But you’re using a widget component, you even mentioned this:

“The widget W_PlayerSelectWheel_C’ was
already added to the screen.”

Essentially, if you’re using a widget component, you select a widget a class on the component itself. This widget component will maintain its widget:

If you’re not using a widget component, your job is to add / remove widget to / from the viewport if you want to see it.

Sorry about the late reply I fell asleep haha

Okay so in version 4.20 the cast in the widget component works and the tick is always running where as in 4.25 the tick does run anymore with the same Blueprints.

The only reason I placed in the Add to Viewport in the widget component was just to see if it could get a reaction and it does since the Tick actually starts running.

Is there something that would of changed between versions that I am missing to get the tick to run?

Is there something that would of
changed between versions that I am
missing to get the tick to run?

There’s nothing I can think of, sadly. I can confirm that widgets handled by a component do tick in 4.25.

One more thing to double check providing that you can actually see the widget when using a component:

In the component details, ensure:

  • the Manually Redraw is disabled
  • Redraw Time is 0


  • the widget’s Tick Frequency is to Auto:


Since this is a project that was updated across 5 engine versions, unimaginable things could have happened:

  • remove the component
  • compile
  • add it again
  • cross fingers & toes

Apart from that, I’m out of ideas.

No luck sadly :confused: Thank you so much for the help though :slight_smile: