Event Tick not triggering functions properly

There’s something else setting the actor rotation there. Can we see the whole graph?

I have a function being fired by the event tick that is programmed to get the rotation from one component and feed it into the actor rotation, but when I print both of those values, the actor rotation, and the component rotation, they don’t match. Movement in the component does update the actor’s rotation to a certain extent, but it doesn’t match 1 to 1. Why is that?

Thank you for replying. Here’s another screen of the function. I cleaned up the stray wires going outof the screen.

You’ll see that the wires going outside of the screenshot don’t do anything.

Ultimately what I’m trying to do is have the rotation of the actor switch to the rotation of the attached component when a button is pressed. I had it working to some extent when I set it up to get the relative rotation of the boom component, then ‘add yaw input’ to the actor. Then set the relative yaw rotation of the component to zero. I had to scale the relative rotation by .4 to get it dead on the world rotation of the boom when it was fed into the actor rotation through the ‘add yaw input’ node for some reason but it worked. Only problem is it was an instantaneous move and I want it to be a smooth rotation that doesn’t pass a certain speed, so I tried using the rinterp node with the event tick, but I couldn’t get that to work, and then I tried taking out finterp and try to use the event tick to directly update the world rotation of the actor based on the world rotation of the boom component and the results are as in the screenshots.

Thank you. This was it exactly. It’s strange that actor rotation worked at all even though it gave rotated to the wrong number. It’s working exactly as I wanted with SetControlRotation.

Sorry, really hard to tell, especially being a character. There’s a lot of stuff in the boom details that can affect the way the rotation works also.

You want the rotation of the character mesh to match the boom, is that it?

I this a character? Then you probably need to set it’s rotation with SetControlRotation.

I didn’t set actor rotation anywhere else in the script. This is the only other graph that’s involved. It sets the relative rotation of the component called “boom” based on mouse movement. The other script is supposed to get the world rotation of the boom every event tick and feed it into the world rotation of the actor it’s attached to. It does affect the rotation of the actor but the actor doesn’t rotate one to one. It rotates at some lower fraction of the rotation of the boom component.

Here it is working thanks to your suggestion: