this blueprint I’m working on its currently using an event tick. However I’m going to have many instances of it in my scene. What is a more efficient alternative? I attempted using a timeline, but the fps is freezing at constant intervals.
this blueprint I’m working on its currently using an event tick. However I’m going to have many instances of it in my scene. What is a more efficient alternative? I attempted using a timeline, but the fps is freezing at constant intervals.
How did you arrive at the conclusion that it is the above script that is causing the slowdowns? How does it all behave without it?
many instances of it in my scene
How many?
The Timeline’s update is also every frame, so…
I am not coping with your code but this is my game’s code without using event tick.
Don’t try the above - it’s really bad, and for reasons too numerous to list…
Like 100 maybe. Deleted them from the scene, and fps runs at about 120, with them in the scene it drops to about 60, and pauses at intervals. So, the problem is with the blueprint/the amount of them. There’s not really any other blueprints in the scene.
Have them in the scene but disconnect Tick - how does it behave? Also, is it safe to assume we’re not running this on a 2 core 10 year old laptop?
consistent 80 fps. There’s some other things I’ll do to raise the fps (adding some LODS etc), but my concern is with the pausing/freezing at intervals.
running on a i9 10 core CPU
scratch that its a consistent 120 ish, I had something else running
No freezing without Tick, right? So, Ticking those 100 actors halves the fps on a modern machine. That does not seem right.
And the spheres aren’t like 1m polys each?
The “spheres” are placeholders for rocks. some are a bit high at about 8000, so I can reduce them. I haven’t done the Lods yet. do you think the meshes are the problem?
Out of sheer curiosity I’ve spawned 100 ticking actors with some basic math and spin a 10k triangle mesh with a basic material. I run this on a secondary ancient rig (4x4GHz cores) and it sits at a locked 120 fps. When I uncap it, it goes beyond 200. The CPU just hangs there as if nothing was really happening.
This should not affect the performance. I see no barely any ms difference between Ticking and not Ticking. And that’s what I would expect from 100 actors. Hence my original question.
Are we absolutely sure this is 100 actors and not 10000 overlapping actors? That would explain it.
The difference I see is in the GPU utilisation only - that 1000000 triangles + materials do count.
Honestly, not sure what could be causing such behaviour on your end.
Perhaps it’s time to look into:
Ill keep messing with it. I pulled to the blueprint into another map and duplicated it a bunch, the fps seemed steady, so perhaps something else is interfering in the scene.