The Event On Landed node doesnt return the correct surface type for the surface that the actor lands on. Using a select node and attempting to play a specific sound for a material always returns the default sound.
Hi ,
- Does this occur in a clean, blank project with no additional content or is it limited to one project?
- What steps are you taking to reproduce this on your end?
- Can you show me a screenshot of your blueprint setup to check surface types?
Hi ,
I’m getting the same issue with returning surface/physical material of objects with the OnLanded Event. I’m using unreal engine 4.13.2 and the ThirdPersonBP template
Basically I have made 2 physical surfaces in the editor and 2 physical materials, grass and wood, and have linked them to the physical surfaces. I assigned the physical materials to 2 materials, grass being green and wood being brown and then assigned these materials to objects in my scene.
I have set up my OnLanded Event like this:
And Set up a Trace event on clicking like this:
And yet the OnLanded event always just outputs Default:
Hi Vexiate,
Thank you for submitting a bug report. I have reproduced this issue and logged a report for it here. You can track the report’s status as the issue is reviewed by our development staff.
Hi Vexiate,
This acutually isn’t an issue. You have to enable “return material on move” on the capsule component for the character in order to get that information.
As such this issue has been listed as “by design” .