Event "On Clicked Mesh" stops working when I minimize the game or give alt + tab

Event “On Clicked Mesh” stops working when I minimize the game or give alt + tab
I’m having a problem with this type of event, it works normally, but when I press alt + tab to leave the game screen “minimize” and after I go back to the game screen, the event doesn’t work anymore.



It stops working permanently?

As in, you alt-tab, return to the game, click in the viewport first, and only then attempt to evoke the On Released.

The above does not work?

Could you test it like this:


With the Standalone Game mode.

Permanently stops working

I already use Standalone

Even though I’ve never experienced this myself and never managed to reproduce the behaviour on my end (I can alt+tab all day, no matter what and events work fine), I’ve seen posts regarding UE4 mishandling input in this fashion - when the viewport loses focus.

after I go back to the game screen,
the event doesn’t work anymore

As strange as it may seem - is it this one particular event? Other input actions work as expected?

Other events like when the mouse overlaps a collision work normally.

I solved the problem by disabling the option on the input tab that was: use mouse to touch. By disabling this, the problem has been resolved.