Event not activing on serverclient hud

Good day,

This community is fantastic btw.

I have an repnotify event happening on my gamestate.

I am running a client-listen testrun, and the repnotify event is activating on the connected client HUDS only.
If i put the event on a tick, it updates on all clients (including the host client)


I have tried to replicate it different ways, to test if it is that. But to no success.

What is the difference between the tick event and the updatelist event?

Well, I figured out that this could be the issue. I dont know how to fix this.

Repnotify is activated when the variable has a change in details.

But… the server is not receiving a change in details notification because it already knows the details?

So the client host does not receive a rep notify event, as it is the server and it already knows.

When I place the event in the tick, it activates and works as normal. So it wasnt an event problem, it was an activation problem.

I think this is the problem… Though, the issue I have is that my repnotify should be cycling thorugh all hud classes and activating…

Or, the hud class is not being call on repnotify for some reason… very fustrating, as this will effect the rest of my game if i dont figure this out.

So, After much research and brain power I have figured out an annoying solution.

I force the Event (to change team) to activate a set variable node at the end of the event.

Set playerArray = playerArray

This tricks the server host to register the repnotify event.

I have read about this in many areas, an I did not find any option to make this any cleaner. I tried many concepts and processes.

The following link is a similar problem.

Set Array Elem Repnotify - General / Feedback & Requests - Epic Developer Community Forums (unrealengine.com)

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