Event Hit Only Works on "Self moved" Condition


I am trying to figure out how to get the ai to apply damage to the player. So far, an Event Hit Node (in the Player BP) causes the player to lose health - but ONLY when “Self moved” is set as a condition. So it works :slight_smile: But if I deactivate “Self moved” - nothing happens. Please help.

Turns out the Character also takes damage when it overlaps with world objects like fences or a teleportation device.

Collision Settings:

Ai (self) = ???
Ai Capsule: Block All / Generate Overlap Active / Hit Events Deactivated
Ai Mesh: Pawn / Hit Events and Overlaps Activated

Player (Self) = ???
Player Capsule: Block All / Hit Events Activated
Player Mesh: Pawn / Hit Events and Overlaps Activated