I want to destroy my character when it gets hit by a rolling barrel. It works fine when moving near it/towards it. But while standing still nothing happens. Is this a bug?!
When you move against the barel you hit it when barel stoped when collide with you barrel hit your caracter. So you need to take event hit from barel and see when is hit the caracter. Probably now you check what is hit your character for this is work only when you hit the barel and didn’t work when barel hit you.
I added a Hit-Check in my barrel Blueprint too now. “If it collides with my Character, then destroy it”. But it’s the same result. I MUST run into the barrel for it to work
Thanks, but it’s still not helping. I increased the size of the capsule (see added image). Also tried the overlap event. Nothing. It’s really weird to me
Thank you very much. That was not the problem but I figured that my capsule had not checked the “Simulation Generates Hit Event” checked -.- Now it’s working! Thank you for taking your time!!!
If this dont work make a new trigger box in your character and make it bigger that collider. On begin overlap check if overlaped was a barel if it is destroy the caracter
Capsule is used to generate collision. You need to add new triger box in the character bp and make it bigger that capsule. And use trigger box to destroy the character not event hit
Aniway I understand your mistake Event Hit store in Hit struct the information what he hit so you need to take it not from Other but from Hit break result and Hit Actor to see what actor it hit.