Recently started a project that will take me 7+ years from scratch, I followed an online tutorial on YouTube to make a basic combat system with some free assets. I followed everything exactly, but I get an error after making a health system element. The error reads after I compile it:
“Set Health was pruned because its Exec pin is not connected”
There is nowhere else to connect it, and I tried changing the variable limit to fix it, but nothing’s working, can someone save me please?
While it may not be directly related to the question and somewhat unprofessional, I would still like to bring attention to something you mentioned:
Recently started a project that will take me 7+ years from scratch
While it’s commendable to have a long-term vision for a project, starting a project with a timeline of 7 years is not without its risks and challenges. One issue to consider is the length of time, as such a long project can lead to a loss of motivation, burnout, or changes in personnel. Additionally, the long timeline can also make it difficult to accurately predict and plan for resources, including funding and manpower, which can impact the success of the project. Another potential issue is the changing landscape of technology, as advancements in the field can render certain aspects of the project obsolete, requiring costly and time-consuming re-work.
I am the last person on earth who want to deter someone from reaching their dreams and goals, but with the experience I have, I would have one suggestion. If at all possible, divide the game into smaller chunks and have smaller milestones so that you can feel the progress of the work you do!