Event from Blueprint Cast to Character BP

I’ve searched up and down and I can’t get around this.

Don’t use a get but a for each loop, it should work

You don’t need to cast, just set the custom event after For each loop

And I would do it at event begin to play instead of a key because get all actors of class is very expensive so set your cast in a variable and then just use the custom event for the I key

As well

as well this gives me this error “Blueprint Runtime Error: Accessed None trying to read property TestingBP from function: ‘ExecuteUbergraph_ThirdPersonCharacter’ from node: Testing Event in graph: EventGraph in object: ThirdPersonCharacter with description: Accessed None trying to read property TestingBP”

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Wow, your BP is of type actor? Edit: stupid question, UE4 won’t let you add it if not

I use this for alot of my casts and it works fine

The second image is how you should do, try to cast it after the EBP for each loop to see if it succes or not, if not, the problem should come from your testBP.

Did you add the BP in your scene?

So as you see I tried making an array of the actor blue print in variables, tried the for each loop with {the variable array} and {actors form class array}, I promoted the the output to a variable as well. I screen shot the custom event I’m trying to cast to and it either does not work period or I get. /////Blueprint Runtime Error: Accessed None trying to read property TestingBP from function: ‘ExecuteUbergraph_ThirdPersonCharacter’ from node: Testing Event in graph: EventGraph in object: ThirdPersonCharacter with description: Accessed None trying to read property TestingBP////

Casting To Blueprint Fail - YouTube I made a video to show all the options I did to make it work. I have watched many tutorials, read the documents, searched high and low around the net and done many things.

Ok, so you say it still don’t work?

If yes, you need to have at least one actor of the BP in your scene.

If you got only one, use a get with 0 index, if you got more, use a for each loop