Event Dispatcher not firing event on DestroyActor

I’m working with an actor blueprint (Crystal Key) that is going to be destroyed after it is interacted with. On Interaction it is added to my inventory and will unlock the correlating puzzle destination. This connections works well as indicated by the attached video.

ActorDestroyed-Not Updating Actor Location

My problem is that I am trying to hide the puzzle destination until the key is acquired/actor destroyed. I have tried to set the location of the destination outside the level and bring it back into place using an event dispatcher and SetActorLocation once the (Crystal Key) actor has been destroyed. I have also tried SetVisability. I have tried all manners of communicating actorBP to actorBP OR actorBP to levelBP.

Using PrintString, I am able to identify that my actor is being destroyed, but I cannot verify that the event dispatcher is Calling or Binding upon DestroyActor.

Am I taking the wrong approach? Does DestroyActor not work with Event Dispatchers? I haven’t seen a lot of examples of Event Dispatchers outside of using them in CharacterBPs. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

When you say ‘destination’, what does that mean exactly? Thanks.

By ‘destination’, do you mean, the ‘used’ crystal appearing in the puzzle? ( as the solution ).

EDIT: I can’t quite see what’s going on here, but you can do a couple of things:

  1. If the puzzle is an actor, the key can send a message to make the crystal visible, just before it destroys itself.

  2. If the puzzle is just a combination of actors in the level, the key can directly set the visibility itself, before destroying.