Event dispatcher between 2 blueprints

Currently you do not have a problem with Dispatchers. You have a problem with passing object references - your missing pin. [HR][/HR]
Since you have both objects in the Level Blueprint, you can use the LB as glue between them. Consider the following:

Actor A has an Event Dispatcher happy to send the data to whoever is listening:


Actor B has a Custom Event that is waiting for that data:


Currently those 2 objects do not know about one another’s existence. But the Level Blueprint knows about both so you can use it as glue:

Or, you can use less glue like so:

Regarding your original query.

You can, of course, provide Actor B with a direct reference to Actor A. In Actor B, create a variable of type Actor A and use the LB to set the variable:

Now you have the missing object to plug in but this completely defeats the purpose of using a dispatcher in the first place… The whole idea here is not to create direct references and simply not worrying about them returning null values.

Hope it makes sense.