Event Dispatcher as variable's custom event??

Hello friends, in the event dispatcher videos, communication between widget and level is provided through “assign or bind event” events. I have no problem with this, I do it as shown and it works. However, when I defined the widget blueprint as a variable on the level blueprint screen, I noticed that the event dispatcher was also defined as an event in the panel on the right of the screen. But my attempts were unsuccessful and I could not find how this box works. My Google searches did not yield any results because I could not find the correct search words. Does anyone have knowledge on this subject?

this one is from widget blueprint

and this on is from level blueprint

thanks in advance

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i believe that custom event is added just as a convenience. It will fire when the event dispatch is called (double check this is true, just going from memory)

if you want to get access to assign, bind, unbind, call, etc for the event dispatcher that is defined in the widget, grab the widget reference and drag from its pin and search for the event dispatcher by name.