Event BeginPlay not firing in Character Controller Blueprint

I’m using a GameMode Blueprint “BP_ARPGGameMode”. This Blueprint’s parent is GameModeBase as seen in the image below.

I have seen the suggestions to make sure that GameMode and GameState match in both project and world settings. I believe I have done this:

However, the BeginPlay event does not seem to fire for Character Controller Blueprint. The following “print string” does not run:

Note that I have two characters: “Knight” and “Orc”. Knight does have its BeginPlay event sent while Orc does not. The Knight is intended to be controlled by the Player Controller, while the Orc an AI Controller.

Appreciate any ideas for what is going on, thank you!

Edit: I reopened Unreal Engine and it seemed like I might have been editing the wrong Blueprint, or changes weren’t saving! Oh no! Everything appears to be working now though :slight_smile: