Event BeginPlay not firing all the time

level 0 it works (opening level)
Level 1 it works
but level 2 it will not fire. it does not matter with order the third level BeginPlay does not fire. anyone know how to work around this or get it to work?

Are you talking about ‘begin play’ in the level BP?

How are you starting / opening the level?

I have tried both open level by name & by object reference.

Right ok, but which ‘begin play’ isn’t working? The one in the level, of in an actor, or…?

Is the level loading? Have you tried putting a print string directly on the begin play? ( to check )

i have added print string on IM_Camera begin play and level blueprint begin play. if it is the first or second level to load, great. if it is the 3rd… nothing.

Can you show the code? How are you managing this?