I have in my game some furniture and I would fit a rotation function for tese .
It is important that the Controller noted that the mouse clicks on a furniture or not
SoI have given to all furniture single Actor Classes and change there Parent Class from “Actor"to” furniture"(Furniture is an custom Actor bluprint)
Then I have get the HitResultUnderMouscursor with BreakHitResult toread the clicked actor .
With the read- actor will now try to cast to " furniture" parrent class .
this works just fine
but if I have one of the childs an event Begin Play no longer lists it this
For My tst I got two childs of furniture 1st “stuhl” second “kiste” both classes got the Same setting in the first string
in the second I create an event begin play in the "kiste"class
When you call an event in a child class that the parent has implemented then you have to also call the parent’s version of that event else you are overriding the parent’s event logic. To do this, right click on the event in the child class and select “Add call to parent function” and then just hook it up before, after or where ever you want. Just know that depending on when you call the parent’s version it won’t run that logic until then. So if you want to run the child’s logic first for that function then put that parent’s event call at the end.
I found a solution but i dont know that this way is the best one
i add 2 CustomEvents in Parent “ChildTick” and “ChildBeginPlay” and "Childtick was called by “EventTick” in Parrent class and “ChildBeginPlay” was called by “EventBeginPlay” in Parrent class and then I Start the Events in the Childclasses
the first 3 Pictures are in the parent class the fourth in the child
I found a solution but i dont know that this way is the best one
i add 2 CustomEvents in Parent “ChildTick” and “ChildBeginPlay” and "Childtick was called by “EventTick” in Parrent class and “ChildBeginPlay” was called by “EventBeginPlay” in Parrent class and then I Start the Events in the Childclasses
the first 3 Pictures are in the parent class the fourth in the child