The project worked fine before,but something went wrong suddenly,It took me awhile to find out Event Begin Play fired twice in level BP.
My project is a single person game so I assumed there wouldn’t be another player pawn.Also,I’ve searched for answers,I’ve tried DoOnce & Bool with branch but it just doesn’t work at all.I also noticed in level BP debug filter,there are two object ‘Title 47’ & ‘Title x’ each time you compile, x +1,but ‘Title 47’ doesn’t change in any case ,so I suspect this may probably be the reason,or not anyway~
Please help thanks
I found out I was right about level BP debug filter,because I just tried to figure out what happened with EventBeginPlay,and the third debug filter object ‘Title 7’ came out of nowhere***(I didn’t even make any change of my level BP)***,after that EventBeginPlay now fires three times . It’s just getting much more annoying,Perfect.And I still don’t know why.
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Alright , actually It’s a known issue and someone had reported already “Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-62934)” , this bug could possibly fixed at version 4.23 . They said this issue is a rare occurrence , so if you got the same problem , congratulation !
As what I know now , every event such as “EventBeginPlay” “EventTick” or even “EventBeginOverlap” etc. which triggered by the level will execute multiple times , but Inputs such as “E Keys” etc. anything that are not triggered by level will be fine . Most importance thing (In my case at least) is you will not be able to modify all or maybe some of your “level BP variables” through level BP which involve events triggered by level , so it’s better not to use level BP variables , unless default value is all you need , because default value won’t be changed or disappear .
The easiest way to temporally solve the problem if you don’t want to create a new level is replace all your level BP variables with outside variables , for example , reproduce all your level BP variables to gamemode and use variables from it etc. . If you want to make EventBeginPlay execute once , then you should use branch like this
Many thanks as was about to try something similar. As of 4.27.2 I still ended up with a level triple firing. I aint even checked other levels. Issue still also ignores all DoOnce nodes, so above worked great.