There is an extreme neccessarity of doing several things(with hardware) before exiting from application
(from VR preview) but neither “End Play Event” nor “Event Destroyed” blocks don’t do what I want.
What may be the reason?
I want call function from my C++ class after ESC pressed.
In blueprint
(I know how to call function from class, but it don’t happen )
Huh…I don’t know if there’s anything that can do this in blueprints.
The closest I can think of is to override the Destroyed function on the gamemode blueprint, though that would also get called when you switch levels and stuff…and I’m also not sure whether or not blueprints are limited in what they can call when they are pending to be destroyed.
Maybe disable any automatic program closing and ensure they are all tied to events that you control?
So tie your escape key to your event and after that is complete then call for program exit.
I don’t know if there is currently a way to override that with only blueprint/editor, but if not it would be nice to have the ability in the project settings.
Yeah just pressing escape in game wont do anything unless you have told it to, so why not just trigger all of the things you want before firing the quit game function?