Event AnyDamage is not working. AI doesn't deal any damage

So I was following this video on how to make my AI shoot at me and I ran to the problem where the “Event AnyDamage” has the value set to 0, but the “Apply Damage” has the base damage set to 0.2. I wanted to check if the AI was hitting the player by printing a string of the returned value, which should be 0.2 but instead, it prints 0.0.
The link below shows the blueprint of the AI dealing damage to me and the screenshot shows the event.
link: AI dealing damage posted by anonymous | blueprintUE | PasteBin For Unreal Engine


Your first branch is incorrect. You are saying that if you do not hit anything, then you call apply damage. That branch execution needs to run off the true path. (If you hit something is true, apply damage.)

ok thanks. I found the problem and I think I need to play around with projectiles hitting me to make it work

No problem. Please mark the solution as correct so that others can also find the answer. Thank you, and let us know if you have any other issues!