Ethics and Epics collaboration with the military sector.

I dont see why you should be so ashamed or disgusted of epics partnership. The military is not an evil thing. Politicans that make selfish greedy inhumane decisions with it are the evil thing. Thats nothing that epic or the military itself can control. So your repulsion of this matter is targeted wrongly.
And in the end, if they help in developing better unmanned drones, field control procedures, more intelligent automated systems, technologies to gather informaiton and establish control in regions struck by natural catastrophes and other stuff that can be beneficial to spare lives of soldiers and civilians alike in the long run, its a good thing.
Almost all technological advancements have their origins in development for military purposes. Its a completely normal procedure. And I personally am quite looking forward to what results of this interesting partnership.

those results, you not gonna see them.

Is Lockheed Martin Corporation a company that manages Capital?. If this is correct you will know who promotes most wars and hides behind various governments.

i dont know what you tallking about and i dont care much to go and find out, im live in the country which is in semi war state and what i do know, is that sometimes, TV have a lot more influence on people mind than their own relatives. Since tv have such powers, games should have the same or even more.

So guys, lets make games not war (c) :smiley:

Its actually a “myth” that military consists of mindless soldiers and generals on a battlefield. This is not Command&Conquer but the reality :stuck_out_tongue: .

The military says, oh we want to have something like this. it goes to science department and something is built/invented. And often this stuff goes public at some point. As said, best sample for that is GPS, which was “invented” for the military but now used publicly.

Yes, its dreamers and universities, etc who make inventions. But the biggest player to put money into science and those dreamers is still the military, which drives inventions, without any soldier on the battlefield involved.


Well, at least my poorly written/argumented infantile post has encouraged you to state your position (even though in a pretty poorly written/argumented infantile form). I guess, that’s a good start.

Radicalism doesn’t work and is no option, 100% agreed. So maybe you mistake criticism for radicalism?

Nice image by the way. Is that you? :slight_smile:

It’s true that the engine may help in training for boots on the ground scenarios but our government and armed forces cause the most devastation from the skies. Boots on the ground usually follow. My hope is for world peace but failing that minimising collateral damage to a point where it’s non-existent. And if UE4 can help with that I can get behind this decision.

I think it’s only human to have negative feelings when you realise the thing you love is being used by organisations with much blood on their hands but as others have stated it is definitely the way of the world. If you have a cutting edge tool, you’re going to get interest from those people (good or bad) who like to be near that edge and have (can get) the money to pay for it. Regardless of SoarTech’s intentions, I like to believe that Epic has partnered with them promoting peace and look to that silver lining in the way the engine will be pushed forwards as a result of this partnership.

That is exactly the point. I don’t hate Epic/Unreal engine at all. On the contrary: I **LOVE **this engine and the team behind it. That’s why i care, that’s why I started this thread. To make a statement, that I, personally, would rather not like to see Epic/Unreal in this new context.

Epic won’t cancel its deal, nor will this thread probably have any influence in future contracts. But I think it is nevertheless important to at least make yourself heard if you disagree on certain decisions.

No more no less.

I’m glad someone did. When I saw the tweet earlier today, I was like ‘I don’t know how I feel about that’. Always good to hear what other people think.

tut tut
disapproving look at you Epic

+1 there was no need for a blog post for that. nothing to be proud of.

Well, i wouldn’t say the blog post itself was wrong. Epic communicated the deal publicly, which is a good thing.
I prefer openness to secretiveness. So, at least in this respect, I hope they will keep it that way :slight_smile:

I think one issue here is this apparent assumption that this partnership will lead solely to training for combat and violence, which while I am certain that combat training will be a definite use, these same simulations are also used to train for responding to natural disasters and in training medical response teams for extreme emergencies.

This idea that “for the military” is “for combat” is a pessimistic viewpoint that isn’t inherently true. These simulations are just as flexible as the Unreal Engine itself.

Sorry to say but military is even needed when one day we have all world peace from terrorists and so on… Threat may come from another planet if we collide with some civilization that likes to “hunt” or they are “scavengers”

In complete world peace military would be recreational activity and that’s all. EPIC did it right, we have to learn how to roam different and unknown environments if needed.
Good example of peactime fun when there is no big wars.


I had the same mixed feelings when I read this news. Military and engine I use for fun personal project ? Glad to see im not the only one.

You probably use many things that are developed for the military

and many things that were not. what’s your point?

I don’t have any issues with them doing that, a lot of people support their country’s armed forces, it would just be another tool used for training.

also I don’t think it really has anything to do with ethics, I mean is the company that makes the maps the army uses for training or the company that makes the binoculars they use unethical as well.

that’s just my point of view:)

Woah, that’s a bit of overreaction guys.
CryEngine, Unity3d and UE3 all did this and this is pretty common thing as you can see.

I mean you have your opinion and it’s pretty okay, but your implying that any military support = supporting the baddies and killers is… well, weird to say the least.
Also, what exactly reaction do you want from Engine companies? Refuse to help the country defense? Sounds like a treason to me :stuck_out_tongue:

edit: just my opinion, not representing Epic