But I decided to change quite a bit from the sonnat. Here, we follow our unfortunate daily life joe exploring the tomb of ozymandias. Cursed to forever sit on the throne and consume the life of being foolish enough to stand before his might.
I would love to know your opinion and critics, and if you do consider it worth your time. Please do consider subscribing and following my social media. It would mean a lot, Thank you for your time!
I would have loved to finish viewing your short film, but due to my photosensitivity regarding the flashing images, sadly, I could not finish enjoying it. I did, however, read the sonnet “Ozymandias” and can appreciate your adaptation mentioned in the description.
From the still shots, your project looks like it tells a haunting story of warning. Is this a project for university? Are you an avid poetry reader? If so, who are your favorite poets or do you have a favorite poem?
Impressive job on the cinematic adaptation of Percy B. Shelley’s Ozymandias sonnet! Your visually stunning creation brings the text to life in a remarkable way. While there was some excessive “flashing” and shifting of visual perspective, it didn’t detract from the overall beauty of your work. The message of the connected sonnet was conveyed effectively, and I’m thoroughly impressed. Kudos to you for a job well done; Ozymandias truly lives up to his title of “king of kings,” and the portrayal was quite intimidating.
Definitely one of the best creepy scenes I’ve seen. The music and voice lines add such an extra layer of horror and fear to the story being told. The visions are a really interesting touch that does an incredible job of showing how the tomb affects the character over time. That alone shows such a knack for storytelling!
Thanks for sharing! Do you have an ArtStation where we could explore any other bits of work of you’ve done?
Thank you @PresumptivePanda,
First of all, I am sorry for such late reply due to some health issues. I appreciate you taking time to comment on my piece as it is actually first time for me trying to narrate a story.
As for artstation - Pulkit Gupta (artstation.com) that would be it.
Again thank you very much for the kind words ^^
I appreciate the analysis, and excessive “flashing” is a part that I believe is one thing I did wrong even though I cut out quite a bit of portion also not many people sadly recognized the sonnet. So, I am glad that you are here and enjoyed the piece.
Means alot to me
I am sorry to learn that you couldn’t enjoy the whole piece and yes it tells a story of person who is stuck in a tomb where the king of kings reside, unable to move from his throne yet imposing and cruel, dying yet not dead, alive but not sane.
It’s actually a simple personal project to test out how far I could move before making a full fledged game cinematics for my game projects and a proper full length short movie and yes I am an avid poetry and novel reader haha some of my favs are William Wordsworth, Edgar Allan Poe, Walt Whitman and obviously Percy B. Shelley. (I like reading fantasy novels wink wink)
I hope you will enjoy the next piece