Hi all,
I have found that the escape key, while working in the Standalone Game, does not work in the packaged game. I have no idea why.
To test I did this:
- Made a new blueprint project based on the FPS template.
- Added blueprint script to one of the cubes in the level.
- In this blueprint, I make a function that swaps the cube’s default material for an emmissive green material.
- In the level blueprint, have this function be called on the cube when the escape key is pressed.
Sure enough, I found that it worked fine in standalone mode: escape key turned the cube green. But then in the packaged game, I get no reaction.
How can I rectify this?
Hi MattSlug,
I was not able to reproduce this running a simple test with the ThirdPersonBlueprint Template and adding the following Nodes to the Character Blueprint:
Once added, compiled, and saved, pressing “Escape” results in closing the game window in Standalone Mode as well as a game packaged for Windows 64. I realize this isn’t a an exact repro as yours, so is there a reason you need the escape key to function as illustrated in your test vs mine?
To my horror, after reading the first 5 words of your post, I realised that I had most likely not saved the level (with blueprint) and merely assumed that it would get packaged in (probably since standalone doesn’t require me to save).
I’ve just tested this, and it is the case. Terribly sorry for wasting your time. Hope the rest of your day is great.