Errors while compiling VXGI

I get these 4 main error during compile :

Error 12 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol NvAPI_D3D11_CreateRasterizerState referenced in function “protected: struct nvgiutil::FVXGIRendererInterfaceD3D11::StateSet const & __cdecl nvgiutil::FVXGIRendererInterfaceD3D11::getStateSet(struct VXGI::RenderState const &)” (?getStateSet@FVXGIRendererInterfaceD3D11@nvgiutil@@IEAAAEBUStateSet@12@AEBURenderState@VXGI@@@Z) D:\UnrealEngine-4.8p3_VXGI\Engine\Intermediate\ProjectFiles\Module.D3D11RHI.cpp.obj UE4
Error 13 error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals D:\UnrealEngine-4.8p3_VXGI\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor-D3D11RHI.dll 1 1 UE4
Error 15 error : Failed to produce item: D:\UnrealEngine-4.8p3_VXGI\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor-D3D11RHI.dll D:\UnrealEngine-4.8p3_VXGI\Engine\Intermediate\ProjectFiles\ERROR UE4
Error 16 error MSB3073: The command “…\Build\BatchFiles\Build.bat UE4Editor Win64 Development” exited with code -1. C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V120\Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets 38 5 UE4

I also get 12 warnings. Anyone else get this?

Any help would be appreciated :slight_smile: Thanks

After running setup.bat, recopy the Source/ThirdParty/NVIDIA/nvapi directory from the source repo (or zip file) and replace the contents of your local branch, then recompile, and it should compile successfully.

awesome, thanks I will give that a whirl :slight_smile:

That fixed up the compile error. Thanks :slight_smile:

But when launching the build i get a crash with an error :

"Fatal error: [File:D:\UnrealEngine-4.8p3_VXGI\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\ShaderCompiler\ShaderCompiler.cpp] [Line: 139]
Invalid ShaderCompileWorkerOutputVersion. Rebuild Programs -> ShaderCompileWorker to fix this.

So i guess its down to a shader compiler now. How can i get round this one. Thanks :slight_smile:
Really looking forward to testing out VXGI as it will be an excellent lighting solution for my game :slight_smile:

You need to recompile ShaderCompilerWorker program as VXGI modifies it.

I am a noob with vis studio. Any chance of links to tuts or how i go about that. I tried altering project settings in vis studio and ticked the checkbox to build shadercompileworker. Did a rebuild, no errors. But same crash on launch, so i am sure I am not doing it right.

Thanks again :slight_smile:

The Noob has left the building, after finding in the program list - shadercompilerworker lol, rebuilt, and now started up. But i get an error message saying that HMD plug in has no been found. My game is made for VR, so can i juts update this? and how would I do it. When i say the Noob has left the building, its only to grab a smoke :slight_smile:

The message is “SimpleHMD” failed to load. It gets to 70% then does nothing. Im going to look at more about this now I`m back in the building :slight_smile:

Got it all up and running. PERFECT :slight_smile:

Looks great in my game :slight_smile:

Here is a vid (VR) if anyone is interested :

Big thanks .

It took me 4 days to get to this post and about 60 working hours. If you have any problem just call me.

All seems to be going ok with tsting. One problem which i can not work out and is causing many problems is :

Replacing, adding material to a static mesh.

If i change Any material on any slot on the mesh, I always get a crash, and is really annoying.

Here is the crash in :

This happens on any mesh i try to change any material on. Any advice would be great :slight_smile:

Wait… VXGI in VR?! Performance must be horrific right?

Performance is great without VR, But with VR its not running at 75fps, so more options will be explored :).

Uhm… I followed your guide and get error when I opened the map for VXGI in Maps folder.
It crashed.
I run Setup.bat from here:
Run the GenerateProjectFiles.bat.
I copy the libs from NVIDIA/nvapi/… and paste.
I built UE4.sln and rebuilt ShaderCompilerWorker.
I managed to open version 4.8.0, it runs well.
But failed and crashed when open VXGIExample.
Could you help me, ?

sorry. I know where I was wrong now.
The project example is not there, right?
So I used the project I got from version 4.7.5 build.
And it works.

Thank you .

Anyone know why is it my background is darker?

I have GTX 750 Ti.
My previous one from 4.7.5 build is much better.

HBAO+ is active in the first screenshot. You can turn it off via the console or Post Processing volume

Ty for your help, .
You are the man.

You are the MAN . No idea what I did with the nvapi error (reverted the overwriting by setup.bat?) but it compiled, then recompiled the shaderworker thingy… And now… 45% and shaders are compiling. BOOM now loading NVTech project, thanks much.

Update: A few hours later, Blueprint from Marketplace in full dynamic lighting: VXGI and Ray Traced DF Shadows. Runs super slow on my Nvidia GTX660M, but this really looks like the future, full dynamic GI and ray traced shadows, HBAO, etc. The VXGI is at low settings with TXAA and SSAA2X, I’m sure on a GTX 980 and above you can crank things up.

Nvidia Pascal with updated UE4 + VXGI + DX12 etc. Wow.

PS. Lighting was tweaked to have a kind of “evening” scene at time of capture.