Errors on sound toggle

To sum it up, I have a ceiling lamp that plays a looped noise, I also have stairs in the room for the upper floor and desire the functionality of playing a sound near the lamp and upon going up the stairs it stops playing the sound (for example when I’m above it just on the ceiling).

I’ve set up a triggerbox1 BP for once the player exits the box it stops playing and upon re-entering it starts again, it works but I have a lot of errors in my log.

I have a bool var in my main FP BP class for when the player leaves the trigger box. This are my blueprints for the BP class




The issue is obviously in the Lamp BP, but I don’t know how to modify it to a point where I get rid of the errors and still keep the desired functionality, so yeah it works but I would prefer for it to be working without errors.

So If any blueprint guru can help me out, I would appreciate it.

When you are setting it active the sound is not spawned yet. The outpin is only valid after the node has been executed

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I’ve gone another route and made it to work, seems I over complicated the logic a bit

over complicated the logic

This could / should be done with a single BP, without any Ticking.

  • create a looping Sound Cue
  • have the trigger and the lamp in the same BP actor
  • place the actor where it needs to be, adjust trigger location as needed
  • trigger Being Overlap → spawn sound
  • trigger End Overlap → stop sound